
Why Does Rejection During Recovery Hurt?

Scientists have discovered that rejection is similar to physical pain. In an MRI scan, it was discovered that the brain reacts to rejection in the same way it reacts to physical pain, such as fracturing a bone. Humans spend practically all of their lives as members of social groupings.

Despite the fact that humans can at times survive on their own, they nonetheless have the same brain reactions when they are rejected. As a result, it’s totally normal that we’re reluctant to deal with it.

Rejection During Recovery: How to Handle It

  • Remain calm.

Recognize that people may not notice your change right away. Throughout your drug addiction battle, your friends and family may have lost faith in you. As a result, when you ask for something like money, they may still say no. Even if you’re currently in treatment, they may still be concerned that you’ll use the money to relapse since they’ve seen you do it in the past. However, don’t give up. You’ll be the first to notice a difference in yourself, and the rest will follow. All it takes is some patience.

  • Look into everything

Sometimes rejection is caused by external forces and has nothing to do with us. Let’s consider the party girl scenario. She declined your invitation to go out. However, it’s possible that it was unrelated to you. She may have recently ended another relationship and is unwilling to date at all. Don’t add to your worry and anguish by failing to consider all possible outcomes.

  • Maintain your cool

When people are rejected, they are likely to become furious, but this will not help them. Anger is one of the few emotions considered “masculine” by culture, hence men are more prone to respond with it. Substance misuse exacerbates the reaction by robbing us of our ability to reason. Instead of becoming angry that the rejection occurred, learn how to remain cool and try to understand why it happened in the first place.

Use Your Rejection As A Source Of Inspiration

Anything that appears to be counterintuitive might be utilized as inspiration to try something new. In recovery, you use your past experiences to help you avoid drinking or doing drugs again, and rejection can be used the same way. Rather than being ashamed or disappointed by not feeling wanted, prepare for future relationships by using skills and introspection. With your ties to others, you will become stronger and more productive as you grow. Rejection hurts, and the more you put yourself out there, the more likely you are to be rejected. What you need understand is that rejection is your higher power’s way of shielding you from those who would cause you serious harm if they stayed. It’s not so much about what’s wrong with you as it is about what’s wrong with them. It’s smart to stay in your own lane so you can focus on changing what needs to be changed within yourself rather than worrying about what you can’t alter in others.

Speak to Skyward’s Health Experts

If not handled properly, rejection can lead to relapse. Please contact Skyward Treatment Center for a private evaluation if you or someone you love is struggling to stay sober.