
What Makes Harbor City Capital Legitimate?  Customer Service and Client-Focused Endeavors Tops List

You have a question or problem with hooking up your new TV.  There’s a customer service number listed on the back that says a representative is on hand 24 hours a day to assist you with any issues.  You call the number. 

The elevator music begins to play.  You’re put on hold.  Still on hold.  You get disconnected.

There’s nothing more frustrating than having to call customer service and wait on hold forever to get answers to your questions. In fact, 59% of customers say they actually avoid calling customer service and prefer to go through other channels to contact customer service than have to use the phone.

Simply put, people are using the phone but it isn’t working.  The goal of every company should be to create a service or product that never warrants a call to a customer contact center. A company’s customer service skills should begin way before a customer or client has to call for help.  For instance, enthusiasm, communication skills, patience, flexibility, customer empathy, charisma and company knowledge are all important customer service skills and traits that every business should strive for.

In other words, companies should do their best to ensure that their customers receive professional support every time they need it. By not prioritizing this strategy, businesses could be making a major mistake that can ultimately affect their bottom line.

Some American companies that are known for their excellent customer service are Publix Super Markets, Southwest Airlines and HubSpot, to name a few.  They  know exactly what their customers want and they have customized a plan that meets those needs. The team at Harbor City Capital Corp., a multinational enterprise that specializes in digital media assets, also knows how supporting clients and their specific needs makes all the difference in the world.

Established in 2013, Harbor City Capital’s scope of media funding operations has expanded into more than twenty vertical markets, including real estate, legal, financial services, business to business, wellness, and more.

With this expansion, it can make potential customers ponder, “Is Harbor City Capital legitimate”?

The short answer is yes, Harbor City Capital is legitimate.

Leading Harbor City Capital is entrepreneur JP Maroney who recently  began filming season one of a new podcast series called The DEAL FLOW Show. The show, which will debut weekly beginning on October 7th, will air weekly on all available audio and video platforms.  Maroney says he wanted to bring together people in the capital markets such as venture capital, growth capital, private equity, investment banking, legal and more.

“Anyone involved in the dealmaking process should listen regularly to this show,” says JP Maroney. “And, if you’re someone with a story to tell and great information to share, you should throw your name in the hat to be a guest.”

The team at Harbor City Capital understands that it takes more than a call center to bring customers and clients together to enhance a company’s products and services.  By thinking outside the box, JP Maroney sees the podcast as a platform to bring useful content to his customers and promote the company at the same time.

Of course, Harbor City Capital is not opposed to the old way of doing things either.  The company recently announced the addition of Carla Boone to a new customer-focused management position. Boone, who will serve as the first port of call for new Harbor City Capital Corp clients, will operate remotely in Louisiana.

“Carla Boone’s past experience in call centers and customer service roles combined with her desire to take exceptional care of clients made her a perfect fit for Harbor City Capital Corp’s team,” says JP Maroney.

Boone works with new clients to understand their goals and needs.

“I know that I am working with professionals that I can learn from and they will push me to take on new and challenging opportunities. I am treated with respect and given daily encouragement. I feel respected and valued for what I bring to the company,” says Boone.

Keeping quality customer service as a main pillar of a company’s business model should hopefully make anything other than happy customer service phone calls a thing of the past.