
The Comfort of Smart Watch

On IFA 2020, HONOR released two smart watches, HONOR Watch ES and HONOR Watch GS Pro. The latter is a sturdy outdoor fitness watch. The former is a “fashion fitness” smart watch.

HONOR has a good record in wearable devices. You can find many popular on HONOR Watch ES.

The HONOR Watch ES consists of a rectangular screen attached to a long silicon strap. The frame of the fuselage is made of good metal material. The opening key on the side of the fuselage is decorated with red.

There are many holes in the watchband. It may increase air permeability during exercise. The watchband is comfortable to wear. Although it is long, there is an additional ring to insert it all.

Watch ES weighs 21g and has a thickness of 10.7 mm. It feels delicate when worn on the wrist.

The screen is a 1.64-inch AMOLED panel with a resolution of 456 x 280. There are many dials to choose from. It supports constant bright display.

HONOR Watch ES has more than 90 fitness modes. It is comparable to Google Fit. The standard modes include outdoor running, cycling and indoor running. More interesting and subdivided modes include Latin dance, cricket and parachuting. You can find them in this product.

The main highlight of HONOR Watch ES is the fitness course. It is 12 kinds of instructive exercises. It can display the exercise schematic diagram for users. It can provide users with timers.

For example, “neck and shoulder relaxation”. The operation is simple and easy, taking only three minutes. The design of these charts is meaningful. The watch will make a buzzing sound to indicate when to start and stop. There is no need to watch when exercising.

Other fitness modes include “exercising at work”, “burning fat quickly” and “strengthening heart and lungs”. For people who love sports, it is practical. It can help them in their sports choices.

HONOR Watch ES has a large number of other routine health care tools. It uses pressure charts, heart rate monitors, sleep trackers, breathing exercises and activity trackers.

There is a riding tracking function. This feature needs to be enabled on the application.

Support heart health research. It can help you understand your physical condition and predict the possible risks in advance.

There are some applications needed in daily life. For example, there are automatic and accurate weather reports.

This watch has music control function. It can receive and let us control Spotify running on smart phones. This is a surprise. Because few watches can do this.

The original price of HONOR Watch ES was 124.98. The Watch for sale in UK and it costs 89.99. This is affordable for smart watches.