
How To Take Care Of Your Home Plumbing

Many homeowners do not begin thinking about their plumbing until a problem occurs. It may not be until you’ve got an unusable sink drain or uncontrollable leak that you even begin to consider the plumbing situation in your home.  Leaky faucets, clogged sink drains, and clogged toilets are all very common and easily avoidable plumbing problems. Not only are some of these problems easily avoidable, but neglect of your home plumbing system can lead to much bigger problems and very costly repairs. If you want to know how to take care of your home’s plumbing, these tips are for you. 

How To Deal With & Prevent Clogs 

One of the most common plumbing problems homeowners face is clogged drains and toilets. Although it is relatively easy to avoid, substantial clogs can be incredibly expensive and difficult to fix. The first things you should consider purchasing to take care of your drains are water system maintenance products that keep your plumbing clean and healthy. A great alternative to harsh chemicals for clearing a drain is a drain snake, which is relatively inexpensive at around $15. You can also avoid clogged drains and pipes by taking care of your system. Never pour oils or grease down any drains, and never flush anything down the toilet that is not human waste or toilet paper. 

Inspect For Leaks 

Making it a habit to check for leaks is the best way to avoid expensive damage to your pipes, as well as other parts of your home. Leaks can cause mold, water damage and neglecting them can also cause extensive damage to your pipes. You should check for pipes at your toilet flaps, faucet handles, and pipe values. If you notice an extensive leak, it’s a good idea to contact a professional to take care of it so that you do not damage your plumbing system further. 

Maintain Your Septic Tank 

Maintaining your septic tank is the best way to avoid expensive (and sometimes gross) problems in the future. Every homeowner should get their septic tank pumped at least three times every year. Have your plumber check the sludge levels of your tank to see if you need to get it pumped more often. Sludge collects within the septic tank and gets stuck in the pumps, therefore clogging the entire system. This can be incredibly expensive to fix, but is relatively easy to avoid with consistent pumping.