
Cyber Attack Detection and Prevention Controls to Ensure Safety of An Organization

The Information and data of an organization is an important asset. It needs to be kept safe and secure from online hackers, who are continuously making use of tactics to steal important information. So, the different organizations must make use of anti-malware defense strategies to safeguard the important data from misuse.

The cybersecurity of your organization should be equipped with the prevention controls to detect cyber threats. Hikvision is a leading provider of video surveillance products in North America and worldwide. It sells CCTV cameras and the security products that help in malware detection. You can provide safety to your business with the help of its video surveillance system.

Use of Prevention Controls to Ensure the Safety of Your Organization

  1. These help to prevent the attack of hackers. You are prepared to take care of the cyber threat issues and the prevention controls are capable of handling such problems. These controls work in a variety of ways to stop it.
  2. The users are trained in such a manner that they are warned ‘not to click links’ which are embedded in the emails. Even the unnecessary attachment sent with emails should not be opened. The internet needs to be surfed responsibly. Avoid downloading games and music coming from unreliable sources.
  3. The users should avoid installing software on the devices provided by the company, changes should not be made to configuration settings, the firewalls are required to be configured to prevent unauthorized access. The administrative rights should not be given to the workstations
  4. The anti-malware software and controls mustn’t be disabled. Always disable all the remote desktop locations. The browser-based controls should be enabled. Install antivirus software and update it regularly to prevent the attack of malicious software.

Cyber Attack Detection Controls

The detection controls need to be able to know the availability of malware and accordingly inform the user. The good strategy is to stop its functioning.

Detection controls include the following measures like detection of the suspicious files which are downloaded, suspicious network connections, host intrusion prevention systems and awareness of the user in detecting suspicious activities.


For an organization, its data is an important asset. So, it needs to be kept safe from unauthorized hands. Thus, an organization has to take the assistance of antimalware defense techniques, to ensure the safety of its important data. This is an essential requirement to have a working environment free from any kind of cyber threats.