
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Deal with a Knocked Out Tooth in Glenview, IL

Unexpected accidents may occur, and tooth loss is one of the most upsetting dental emergencies. Maintaining dental health depends on one’s ability to handle such circumstances with the help of an emergency dentist in Glenview, IL.

Remaining composed and moving swiftly is the first and most important stage. If treated immediately, a knocked-out tooth has the best chance of being saved. Avoid touching the root of the tooth and pick it up by the crown or chewing surface. The delicate tissues required for successful reimplantation may be damaged by root handling. If the teeth are dirty, they should be rinsed carefully with clean water. Never scrape it or use soap or a cloth to dry it. 

Try to re-insert the tooth into the socket if it is safe to do so. The tooth is gently pressed back into position while holding it by the crown. Therefore, an accurate tooth alignment is essential. Don’t try to force it. Do not press it in if it does not go in easily. The best course of action, if reinserting the tooth is not feasible, is to keep it moist. Put in a milk container, saline solution, or tooth preservation medication that may be purchased from pharmacies. These remedies support the continued vitality of the tooth.

You should see a Glenview, Illinois, dentist as soon as possible after losing a tooth. Dentists have the best chance of successfully reimplanting the tooth within the first hour of the accident. If there is pain or bleeding, cold compression can be used to reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort. Bite on a piece of gauze to control bleeding and replace it as needed.

Prepare for Transport

When transporting a tooth, it is kept moist. The best way to achieve this is to place it back into the socket gently, if possible. Otherwise, an appropriate storage solution is used, as mentioned earlier.

What to Avoid 

Avoid consuming hot or cold beverages, chewing on the side of the mouth with the knocked-out tooth, and touching the tooth root unnecessarily.

Consult with a Dental Professional

When you visit a Glenview dentist, the doctor will examine your tooth and go over your options for treatment, which can involve splinting, reimplantation, or other dental operations to save the tooth.

In Glenview, maintaining oral health can be greatly impacted by having a dental emergency plan in place and understanding what to do in the event of a knockout tooth. Keeping in mind that to maximize the chances of a successful re-implant, prompt expert attention must be sought.